Help keep our Lost & Found bins empty....Mabel's Labels are a great way to label your children's clothing & various supplies.
Visit, select our organization, and have fun shopping!
Help keep our Lost & Found bins empty....Mabel's Labels are a great way to label your children's clothing & various supplies.
Visit, select our organization, and have fun shopping!
The Centennial Meat fundraiser will run again this fall. Please login to Student Quickpay to place your order, or stop in at the office to fill out a paper form. Thank you for your support!
Sign in to your Student Quick Pay account to make payments online! (school fees, hot lunches, field trips, yearbooks, etc)
Parents, please click here to report any absences to our school admin support staff!
View Full Route Listings and all transportation updates.
We are excited to welcome your child into our Chinook’s Edge School community!
Welcome to the Library Learning Commons where everyone is a Learner!