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Katlyn Young

Photo of Katlyn Young


Phone: (403) 637-3856

Key Roles

I am originally from a tiny town (even smaller than Cremona!) in Southern Ontario, and a recent addition to Alberta! After graduating from Brock University in St. Catharines, ON, I packed up the car, headed west, and stopped where I could see the mountains! I currently live in Cochrane, but am hoping to work my way closer to Cremona (and back to living in the country) soon. 

I feel incredibly lucky to teach the two subjects I am especially passionate about: High School (9-12) English and High School Art! I am also the teacher representative for planning and organizing Grad, and I also coach Cross Country! 

I use Google Classroom with my students, and they can find assignments, updates, homework, and more in their respective Classrooms.

In my spare time, I enjoy being outside as often as possible - especially in the beautiful mountains! Hiking, backpacking, skiing, wildlife photography, horseback riding, and spending time with my two Miniature Horses (Tippy and Foxy) are a few of my favourite hobbies. When I'm not outside, you can bet I am probably relaxing with a blanket (made warmer by one of my two cats that seem to inevitably join me), a cup of tea, and a great book!

I look forward to another wonderful year at Cremona! 

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